Haircuts are like magic.


9:45 AM was haircut time. Which is too early for Saturday, but it was fine, afterwards I ate at this great french place called Le Pichet. I ordered a cappuccino, and OEufs plats, jambon et fromage. Basically Two eggs broiled with ham and gruyère. It was delicious. Afterwards I found a cool Architecture Book Store, where I got one of these.
Saturday night was fun. I met up with a bunch of friends from work to hang out, and my buddy Andy showed up too, which was awesome because I had not seen him since EA Chicago closed down. Apparently my hair cut and brand new Chuck Taylors brought some attention to others, because while we were all sitting at a table at this place called Cellars this girl walks up and hands me a note. It said her friend thought I was cute. There was a lot of stuff that happened after this, but the highlight of the night was later being at this persons condo we had just met, swimming in a roof top pool, looking out over downtown Seattle. It was a lot of fun. Hopefully Andy will have a better account of that night on his blog. I am just tired and need to get some sleep.
Today Amanda, Shad and I went to a Mariners Game at Safeco Field. I don't like baseball,but I do like bratwurst with sauerkraut. It was also good to just hang with my sis.
Well I am going to bed. I hope you enjoy my cheesy pictures.
Outstanding transformation... your face in your before shot pretty much summed up your old look.
i'm with tim. goonies is where it's at!
ive never seen goonies.
i guess i better document that nite.
here goes!
p.s. youre fucking awesome
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