yep, pretty much.

I eat diamonds for breakfast.

That's racist

Aww. Sorry she will be gone in the morning. But at least you have the A-team!
I wanted to check out a local theater near my new apartment this weekend. There is one down the street called The Egyptian. Saturday night they happened to be playing Breakfast at Tiffany's which I had never seen before so I decided to check it out.
I guess I didn't know what I was getting myself into. For some reason I was expecting a fun romantic comedy, instead I got a really sad and depressing film. Focusing mainly on a girl who just wont grow up. I thought for the longest time people liked this film because the character Holly was someone to be admired, someone other women might want to be in real life. I see now the hype was for Audrey Hepburns' performance, the hype is well deserved, she did an amazing job. The character is someone you do despise though, and if you don't, you really should. Her character hit a nerve all too close to home, and I remember leaving the theater with a very deep sadness. With that said I still would have liked the film, if it had not been for that terrible ending. The problem is, in the morning she will run off again with her same fears and incredibly weak will, this of course the director does not show. Hollywood is funny that way, sadly I know the real ending to Breakfast at Tiffany's and it is not happy at all.
Speaking of depressing... how about Travolta's role in battlefield earth and swordfish... Man what a drag.
yikes stripes! how do you really feel?! ;) i'm kidding. we already talked about the film. just letting you know I finally read the post. more importantly, guess what I'm posting this from? apparently there's still ten percent left. insane.
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