So yeah this post is titled Lake Washington, but really I just have pics of me on Lake Washington. If you want some pics of Lake Washington use google and shut it.
It was a fun day, a bunch of us took a boat out on the water, did some swimming, and some wave ramping. But really all you get is a couple goofy pictures of me.
take that suckers!
love, Ryan
so yeah this comment is titled 'the pool', but i really just have a photo of someone else's pool. If you want some pics of the pool, too bad. i enjoyed floating around in the pool reading a book, but really all you get is a silly photo of some kid in a floaty, and i'll leave you guessing as to the name of the book. muhahahaha.
smiles - kathryn.
Where is the pictures of the sweet boat you were on... or the scenery around it?
Where are the boat girls?
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