
PAX - a sea of nerds! I secretly wished I was one of them.

PAX - the Exhibition Floor

Darksiders booth for - Will, John and Yan. Sorry, iPhone picture.

Eggs Benedict at Chace's Pancake House

Strawberry Swedish Pancake

My fresh ride.

It has been said I am a gentleman but never a gentle man.


Those pots only cost like 3 bucks.




Little Babycakes.



Sorry about all the pictures, there is probably a way to inject them in between paragraphs of text to make it flow more. Someday I will know how to use this better.
Last weekend Kathryn, Darren and I went to Bumbershoot and the Penny Arcade Expo. Bumbershoot was fun, I got to see
Darondo live. Imagine if
Jim Varney were black man and sang like you would think a homeless man should. This is Darondo. He sang about 3 songs and gave some hilarious yet dirty advice for all the couples in the audience. It was a great show. I also had some delicious corn on a stick. This was saturday. Sunday we all went to
PAX. Basically a nerdfest. Sweet delicious nerds that buy our games and xbox hardware. It was actually fun, I ran into the gears of war team, waited in line for Little Big Planet for about 5 minutes and gave up, then took some pictures of the Darksiders booth for my friends at Vigil. The best part was the sea of PC players, all packed nicely in a room.
This weekend the car my Mom gave me arrived. Which is really awesome. What wasn't awesome was waking up early saturday morning and taking a bus from Seattle to Bellevue to meet the car shipper. But Kathryn came with me so it wasn't as bad. Plus I got to check out Bellevue, which isn't anything great but we found an awesome breakfast restaurant and a place to buy plants from. Lucky for me there was a pots store that had everything 70% off. So I bought like 12 pots for like 15 bucks. Then I visited the Bellevue Nursery and loaded up on plants. As you can see in the pictures above I am an expert at planting things. Kathryn was laughing or super annoyed while I was picking out my plants, I was trying to mix colors like I would in a painting. Which means I probably got a bunch of plants that will kill each other, since they all need different soils. Anyway, I am proud since this my first try at gardening, next I want to build some large planters to go along the edge of my outdoor space and go really crazy with some plants.
Sorry I forgot a lot of stories that may or may not have been interesting. Next time I will try and do better.
Until then, peace out.
Oh yeah. Pineapple Express, and Tropic Thunder are both really funny. I recommend them for enjoyment.