Election Night 2008 on Capitol Hill in Seattle was something I have never experienced in my life. The last time I saw this kind of community fanfare was in Alabama, of course in the south people rejoice when their favorite college football team wins, here in Seattle people celebrate over their quarterback of Hope. Kathryn and I watched the election on TV, after Obama gave his victory speech we headed out to find some food. But that plan fell apart, instead we just slowly drove up and down Pike Street witnessing these joyous crowds. At work today I had a humorous conversation with friend, basically we decided if Obama didn't win tonight, our neighborhood {capitol hill} would be burned to the ground by morning. I am glad to report instead of fires we had high fives and excited chants of victory. While driving up Pike Street it felt like we were stars in a parade, people were screaming at us, giving us High Fives, I sat on the window of my car as we drove and people patted me on the back, and squeezed my arm like an excited kid might do. While straddling my car door I snapped pics left and right, everyone wanted their photo taken, I could hardly keep up. No matter who you voted for, tonight was historic.
Obama you did it. Now don't F this up.
The rest of the pictures can be found here :